Conference Circuit: Association Fundraisers
The Association Foundation Group’s 16th Annual National Conference takes place next week in Washington, DC. Around 150 are expected to attend.
Just about 150 association fundraising and foundation professionals are coming together in Washington, DC, to renew their commitment to lifelong learning and strengthen the influence of the association community to do good.
Organization: Association Foundation Group
Conference: 16th Annual National Conference
Venue: FHI 360 Conference Center
City: Washington, DC
Following a networking reception on Tuesday evening, AFG’s 2018 National Conference kicks off Wednesday morning with an opening general session featuring Dianne Dain. The head of partnerships for the Office of Information Communication Technology at the United Nations will discuss connecting people through philanthropy and purpose. Also worth noting:
Career advice. Small-group, career-focused coaching sessions will make their debut at this year’s meeting. With topics ranging from creating a personal brand on social media to managing a career transition, the sessions all aim to help attendees reach their professional goals.
Connection central. During Connections Sessions, attendees will have the chance to brainstorm with their peers around issues that are top of mind. Sessions include recruiting board members who understand foundation skill sets, joint association-foundation marketing and communications, and encouraging planned giving to association foundations.
Better understanding. The conference will wrap up with a closing plenary called “Endowments: Misunderstood and Misused.” Paula Cozzi Goedert, a partner at Barnes & Thornburg LLP, will discuss when endowments should be used, how they should be used, and how to avoid the traps that cause legal problems.
Head to Facebook and Twitter for other meeting details.
(gustavofrazao/iStock/Getty Images Plus)