Daily Buzz: Two-Factor’s Big Weakness
A recent security breach involving Reddit highlights the failings of using your phone in two-factor authentication, notes Ars Technica. Also: Salesforce highlights leaders making a positive social impact in a new event series.
True or false: If your organization has two-factor authentication, your security is safe and protected.
The answer? False—and it’s a lesson Reddit recently learned after its systems were breached through an exploit of the SMS messaging protocol.
“Already having our primary access points for code and infrastructure behind strong authentication requiring two-factor authentication (2FA), we learned that SMS-based authentication is not nearly as secure as we would hope, and the main attack was via SMS intercept,” Reddit officials wrote in a post published Wednesday.
Ars Technica agrees, saying that the Reddit breach makes it clear that security that relies on one-time passwords (OTPs) generated by phone-based 2FA systems leave organizations susceptible to a data breach. Instead, the outlet notes, users should switch to 2FA systems that rely on physical tokens, along with one-time passwords generated solely by apps.
Making Work Socially Responsible
Awesome leadership by @Benioff #eventprofs #kindness #leadership New Salesforce Event Series Highlights Users Who Are Doing Good https://t.co/x07qoeoER7 via @BizBash
— Laurie Sharp (@sharp_exp) August 2, 2018
As more organizations turn to cause-related initiatives, Salesforce is shedding light on how various industries can improve their social impact through their work. In a new event series called “Make Change,” the organization will highlight leaders using their success to make a difference in their communities. The goal: to inspire others to create the same forward-thinking changes in their own industries.
BizBash notes that the first Make Change event, which focused on food culture, took place on July 12. Celebrity chef Roy Choi talked about the importance of bringing healthy, affordable food and employment opportunities to low-income communities.
To deliver on its mission of making change, Salesforce donated all proceeds to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, gave 20 meals to the food bank for every #platformforchange hashtag used on social media, and volunteered at the food bank the next day.
Other Links of Note
Nonprofits are full of stories. But how you tell and portray those stories can have a big impact on how they’re received. Network for Good shares nine tips to nail nonprofit messaging.
Leadership success doesn’t always come naturally. Here are the traits that separate successful people from the crowd, from Inc.
Getting more money and more members is a common goal among organizations. But have you thought about both the positive and negative impacts of such growth? Jeffrey Cufaude of Idea Architects explains.
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