Tuesday Buzz: Targeted Event Sign-Ups
How a little Facebook retargeting could supercharge your event sign-ups. Also: The chatter behind the chatter at Content Marketing World.
Driving people to events via social media can feel like a crapshoot sometimes. But a little data and a bit of retargeting can go a long way.
The Eventbrite blog’s Katie Sawyer makes the case that Facebook’s Custom Audiences advertising tool, which takes existing audience data and compares it to Facebook’s database, can help improve conversion rates for events in which a ticket purchase is involved.
The company says that data can come from a variety of sources, including Google Analytics, an event app, and even via your own Facebook page.
“What makes Custom Audiences so effective is that they’re built using your own event data—data that you already have and doesn’t cost you anything,” she writes.
Content Marketing Chatter
3 Big Content Marketing Themes, Based on Backstage Chatter at Content Marketing World: https://t.co/LDw8DctBCd by @JoeLazauskas pic.twitter.com/zHdSiOPQgM
— Contently (@contently) September 10, 2018
As anyone who has ever been to a conference knows, sometimes the best discussions aren’t happening onstage or during the education sessions, but in the midst of networking, in the middle of conversation, and other spots.
And according to Contently’s head of content strategy, Joe Lazauskas, the 2018 edition of Content Marketing World was no different. Read his post to get a ground-level perspective on the stuff he was hearing through the grapevine—including why content marketing might just be subsumed into the marketing department.
Other Links of Note
Good eats, good seats. Meetings designer and facilitator Adrian Segar highlights the importance of good seating design—including the importance of not creating a giant communal table.
Chamber chatter. Christina Green at the Frank J. Kenny blog has a whole lot of thoughts about building a good chamber membership drive.
Building an online newsroom? Kivi’s Nonprofit Communications Blog has a whole lot of expert advice to get you going.
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