Daily Buzz: Integrate Planning Into Your Schedule
Planning and adapting for the future is an ongoing process—that's why you need to incorporate it into your daily schedule. Also: three phrases that sell membership.
Evaluating and updating your processes can help improve and grow your association—but it’s not something that has to wait for every three to five years. “There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just limited, a snapshot in time in a world that is changing fast,” says Laurence Pagnoni in a post on the Bloomerang blog.
Instead of waiting, Pagnoni says leaders should incorporate planning into their daily schedules. For example, if your team solidifies its annual email or mail schedule in the beginning of each year, have you applied what you learned in 2018 to update and leverage it for this year’s calendar? Let data lead, and use findings to continually update your practices to ensure that you’re making the most of your—and members’—time.
“Yes, do have times designated for planning, but also integrate planning processes into your daily work when that makes sense,” he says. “Planning is not an episode, it’s ongoing.”
Phrases That Sell Membership
How can you tap into the power of psychology to better "sell" your organization's membership? Try incorporating some of these words and phrases: https://t.co/HkHBSUreNz #assnchat
— MemberClicks (@MemberClicks) February 11, 2019
Whether you think of membership as a product for sale or not, it is—and the words you choose to market it matter. Callie Walker from the MemberClicks blog recommends the following phrases to convert potential members into full-fledged devotees:
“Join [numbers] others…” “What this shows is that other people are taking advantage of your organization’s membership,” Walker says. “Plus, by listing your organization’s size, it gives your organization credibility—and that plays a big role in the sales process as well.”
“Save [XYZ].” Whether it’s time, money, or resources, we all want to save something. Include concrete numbers, such as specific dollar amounts, to really paint the picture of benefits for potential members.
“… at your fingertips.” “The phrase ‘at your fingertips’ is appealing because it implies ease,” Walker says. “Whenever you need something, it’s available.”
Other Links of Note
What are you learning at work? People who are conscious of their learning will be more successful in today’s workforce, says Jeff Cobb on Mission to Learn.
Step up your association’s culture authentically with these tips from CMSWire.
Looking for interactive video inspiration? The HubSpot blog outlines seven of the most creative examples.
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