Daily Buzz: The State of Event Tech
Meeting technology is always changing, and with it so does how planners use the tech. Also: improving company culture starts with you.
When it comes to event tech, what issues pose the biggest problems for planners?
In a reader survey on Smart Meetings, 51 percent of planners said attendee communication was the biggest challenge, with the price tag of tech solutions coming in at a close second with 48 percent. (Poor data reporting, slow check-in processes, and lack of visibility into the attendee experience also ranked high.)
Yet despite these concerns, many respondents were also optimistic about tech’s ability to solve some of meetings’ biggest woes.
“Event technology boundaries are being pushed with the introduction of 5G networks offering faster speeds and more reliable connections,” said respondent Kayla Wurst, an event planner with Special D Events. “With fewer connectivity issues, it will be easier for planners to encourage attendee participation and incorporate cutting-edge technology into their events.”
Adoption of specific solutions will, of course, depend on the meeting itself. Other services like event apps, for instance, tend to be popular for meetings across the board: 25 percent of planners said that they don’t host conferences without one.
But perhaps what matters most is following through on adoption. Crista Hassett, another respondent and assistant vice president of event operations with the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, told Smart Meetings that emphasizing tech’s capabilities is half of the battle: “Most planners are excited about the technology changes on the horizon, but they recognize that the real challenge is getting leadership to understand the need to implement new technology quickly and demonstrate the potential positive impact it can have on event ROI to get support for this type of investment.”
Small Steps to a More Productive Workplace Culture
"And not only can, but I would go so far as to say should influence a company’s culture, because in the end, either you define your culture or your culture defines you."@maragoni offers tips on becoming an influencer in the workplace. https://t.co/WgXdhkl7KT #assnchat #assnprofs pic.twitter.com/dZbRb8Fugl
— Sidecar (@sidecarglobal) May 6, 2019
Changing company culture starts with you, whatever your title might be. And to do that, you first need to understand how your culture currently operates, writes Aldo Maragoni on Association Success.
Once you have that understanding, Maragoni suggests starting slow and getting to know people within your own department. “There’s a lot going on each day and it’s easy to keep your head down and plug away at the to-do list. Don’t,” he says. “Take the time to learn about the people and other departments elsewhere in the organization, which can lead to conversations about how your respective department can work together, sharing ideas about your organization’s culture and taking steps toward improving the whole organization.”
Other Links of Note
Switch up your annual meeting by opting for an unconventional event space. The Event Manager Blog offers inspiration for alternative venues.
Gmail’s new scheduling feature lets you plan out emails in advance. The Verge explains how to use it.
Workplace wellness can play a big role in employee engagement. Inc. highlights three health areas leaders should focus on with strategies to match.
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