Membership Hack: Microvolunteering for Content Creation
Your members can pitch in as content creators of social media feeds, newsletters, or blogs. These microvolunteering opportunities can help time-strapped members get involved.
How to hack it? At the Austin chapter of the National Association for Catering and Events, creating engaging content is everyone’s responsibility. Contributing content is one of many microvolunteering opportunities that members can sign up for, either as one-off assignments or recurring duties that take less than an hour to complete, says NACE Austin Communications Chair Michelle Chavez.
“We’ve requested assistance with collecting and writing information for the chapter newsletter, writing recaps of the education meetings for the blog and social media, [and] uploading event photos to Facebook,” she says.
Why does it work? NACE Austin members are eager to get involved in small but meaningful ways, and Chavez says microvolunteering is helping to fill the leadership pipeline.
“Microvolunteering opportunities are something new that we are trying out this year,” she says. “We hope this will inspire members to get more involved over time, with the eventual goal that they might enjoy it so much they want to be on the board.”
What’s the bonus? Members who sign up as content creators are more likely to attend future programming that NACE Austin hosts year-round. “For those who are getting involved, they are more in the loop about upcoming events and are interacting more with the chapter,” Chavez says.
(wundervisuals/iStock/Getty Images Plus)