
Membership Hack: Coffee Break Webinars

Are you tired of sitting through hour-long webinars? At the American Evaluation Association, members register for virtual “coffee break” sessions. Time commitment: 20 minutes.

How to hack it? To add buzz and brevity to virtual learning, the American Evaluation Association hosts routine “coffee break” webinars that last just 20 minutes—about the time it takes to finish your cuppa joe.

The format keeps presenters on their toes, and each session delivers a bite-sized amount of information on niche topics, including evaluation tools and practices. Here’s an example of what an AEA coffee break looks like.

Why does it work? Each session is a microlearning opportunity for members to advance their professional development. After the webinar, the recording is made available to members only for playback in AEA’s Digital Knowledge Hub, an on-demand library.

What’s the bonus? If a topic is too complex to explore in a single session, AEA compiles several webinars into a coffee break series that can be sponsored by a partner.

(Valerii kosovskyi/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Tim Ebner

By Tim Ebner

Tim Ebner is a senior editor for Associations Now. He covers membership, leadership, and governance issues. Email him with story ideas or news tips. MORE

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