Daily Buzz: How Leaders Can Define a Clear Vision for Success
To take their business to the next level, leaders must create a distinct path to follow. Also: How nonprofits can benefit from a lack of patience.
Where do you want your organization to go? What do you want it to accomplish? As a leader, it’s important to have clear answers to these questions.
“Leaders have the opportunity to build a business from humble beginnings into being a trailblazer in their chosen industry. However, to achieve this task, the leader needs to clearly define their goal and vision for how to attain that goal,” says the Forbes Communications Council.
There are multiple ways to crystallize the goal you’re working toward. One strategy is to create a blueprint that outlines the necessary steps to take to know if your idea is worth pursuing.
“After doing your research, you may find a great idea is already taken or not in your best interests,” says Be Unique Consulting’s Cody McConnell, a Forbes Communications Council member.
It might also be easier to start your plans with the end result in mind.
“The better you ‘see’ the end result in terms of quantitative and qualitative features, the clearer and shorter will be the path to make it happen,” says IBM’s Svetlana Stavreva, a Forbes Communications Council member.
Clear mission and vision statements can help guide every step an organization takes, says Forbes Communications Council member Holly Chessman of Holly Chessman Marketing.
“A few well-crafted sentences will be enough to stick in everyone’s heads and unite them with purpose and understanding of the end goal,” Chessman says.
Impatience Can Also Be a Virtue
How Edginess Can Be a Nonprofit Virtue https://t.co/KPxwYLrubc via @CharityClairity pic.twitter.com/tYGKE9Yiam
— bloomerang (@bloomerangTech) April 20, 2020
Yes, patience is a virtue, but your nonprofit might benefit from the opposite mindset: “edginess.”
“This particular word connotes having a bold, provocative, or unconventional quality. If you want a leader, this is a quality you need,” says Claire Axelrad on the Bloomerang blog.
How can this approach help your organization? Axelrad says edgy people aren’t comfortable with the status quo, constantly strive to be their best, and bend toward innovation.
“In our fast-moving society, being on the cutting edge can be a huge competitive advantage. Conversely, fall too far behind the curve and you’re in danger of becoming irrelevant,” she says.
Other Links of Note
Working in social media? It’s important to manage your mental health, suggests Sprout Social’s Katherine Kim.
When it comes to digital marketing, those who lean on customer relationships will always succeed, says Martech Today’s Kyle Henderick.
It’s National Volunteer Week. A recent post from Mariner Management and Marketing offers ways to recognize your chapter volunteers.
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