Daily Buzz: The Path to a More Diverse Nonprofit
Breaking down unnecessary barriers to recruitment will serve your organization. Also: An empathetic leader can build relationships and help employees grow.
Looking to diversify your nonprofit? Your organization’s recruiters, HR executives, and leaders must be more intentional in their diversity efforts, argues Lisa Magill on the Nonprofit Hub blog.
“In order to see a meaningful shift, we need to evaluate our current processes and be open to changing the way our teams are currently filling roles,” she says.
Take a look at your job descriptions: Is every listed requirement necessary? Make sure you’re not overstating the level of experience needed to excel in the role, such as required degrees or number of years of experience. Discouraging qualified candidates from applying at all will prevent you from seeing a wider range of individuals.
When recruiting, make an effort to look outside your personal network, which might only consist of similar individuals.
“Nonprofit roles are often filled by word-of-mouth, allowing the homogeneity of social circles to directly impact the potential diversity across candidates,” Magill says. “In order to increase diversity within your organization, you must look beyond personal networks and strategically leverage a broader list of resources and job boards.”
Additionally, your diversity efforts will improve if you also focus on current employees.
“Their day-to-day experiences, how satisfied they are in their work, and whether they feel empowered in their role will directly impact not only retention and productivity but also your ability to attract new talent,” Magill says.
Embracing Empathy in Leadership
The Future of Leadership is Empathy—And Companies are Better for It https://t.co/uyd7LYjwBS
— Entrepreneur (@Entrepreneur) August 18, 2020
Showing more empathy at work is a growing trend among young professionals, but what does it do for an organization? Empathy keeps a workforce steady when things go wrong and employees make mistakes.
“Instead of jumping to conclusions and scolding your employee, get behind the why,” says a recent post from Entrepreneur. “An empathetic leader will check in on their employee and facilitate problem solving, as opposed to reacting.”
Other Links of Note
Marketing automation can streamline your efforts and make you more efficient, argues HubSpot’s Rebecca Riserbato. She breaks down the benefits of automation.
What are hiring managers looking for in remote job candidates? Business Insider’s May Teng identifies three important skills.
Planning a membership drive? YourMembership’s Tirrah Switzer offers six tips to make it a successful one.
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