Membership Pro Tip: Make the Login Process Easier
Looking for a simple, inexpensive way to consistently provide member value? Hint: It’s something obvious that you might be overlooking—streamlining the member login process.
When so many associations are transforming digital experiences, it’s important not to overlook an often-obvious problem when trying to improve membership: Be sure to update the member login process. “Great member benefits mean nothing if members can’t log in,” says Chris Gloede, chief consultant at Ricochet.
Too many associations assume digital login is a smooth, modern process when in reality it is fraught with barriers. When analyzing everything from web content consumption to online invoice payments, people tend to assume a member is logged in—and too often that’s a bad assumption, he says.
How Does It Work?
Members and their professional lives are constantly evolving, and so are login credentials. Members change employers and email addresses, forget passwords, upgrade PCs with stored passwords, and only visit association websites sporadically.
Modern logins include many features to provide immediate and secure authentication for users who need help, such as backup email addresses, “magic” login link emails that don’t require passwords, social media account login options, “turn on” password viewability, clear password length and character requirements, configurable security questions, and more.
But associations rarely offer anything other than the default “email me a password reset link.” And that is an ineffective option that doesn’t always solve the problem.
Why Is It Effective?
“The pandemic made the digital member experience the most important issue for many associations,” Gloede says. Which is why it’s especially important not to let all your hard work creating members-only virtual events, online voting, paperless journals, and new digital job boards go to waste because members can’t log in.
What’s the Benefit?
Some researchers estimate that more than 10 percent of transactions go unfinished because of account access troubles. “We often overlook the obvious problem when trying to satisfy our members,” Gloede says. A quick login process that accommodates members’ changing profiles is a good way to deliver immediate member value.
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(anyaberkut/iStock/Getty Images Plus)