Comings and Goings: Career Moves in Associations
Association professionals are always on the move. Here’s our monthly roundup of new hires, career changes, and retirements across the association industry. Of note: Vicki R. Deal-Williams, FASAE, CAE, was named CEO of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Career moves are common in the association industry. This month, there are several new hires and promotions at organizations, including Bailey Kasten, CAE, and Brian Skripac joining the Design-Build Institute of America. Here’s a look at some recent staff changes in the community.
Chief Staff Executives
Gloria L. Blackwell was named CEO of the American Association of University Women.
Vicki R. Deal-Williams, FASAE, CAE, was selected to be CEO of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture selected Ted McKinney as its CEO.
Susan O’Connor was appointed CEO of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association.
The National Basketball Players Association selected Tamika L. Tremaglio as its next executive director.
Other Moves
The Executive Leadership Council appointed three executives to senior leadership roles: Hannibal L. Brumskine II is vice president and chief financial officer, Gail Coles Johnson is vice president and chief human resources officer, and Penelope Thornton Talley is senior vice president and chief experience officer.
IMN Solutions welcomed three new hires. Chanel Ricks joined as account director; Aesha Beattle joined as senior account manager, event operations; and Morgan Lucchese joined as account manager.
The Endocrine Society announced Maricela Arias-Cantu as director of event education design.
Brandy Evans joined Visit Wichita as vice president of marketing.
The Riverbend Growth Association promoted two long-time staffers. Debbie Hagen is now communications director, and Stefanie Withers is now member engagement director.
April House was named president of the Washington Technology Industry Association’s HR Benefits Inc. subsidiary.
The Design-Build Institute of America has made two new hires. Bailey Kasten, CAE, is chief data officer, and Brian Skripac is director of virtual design and construction.
Choose Chicago hired Eric Kincaid as senior director of convention sales.
Richard “Dick” Kovacs, MD, was named chief medical adviser/chief medical officer of the American College of Cardiology.
Multiview welcomed two new vice presidents to its strategic partnerships team: Nancy Rosenbaum and Bill Sheehan.
Nathan Sell was appointed senior director, sustainability, for the American Cleaning Institute.
Retirements & Departures
Nanci Liles is stepping down as the executive director of the Abilene Convention and Visitors Bureau at the end of the year. Liles has been with ACVB since 1985.
M. Eileen Widmer, CAE, will retire as CEO of the Society of Surgical Oncology in March 2022. Widmer began at SSO in 2007.
Richard Yep, FASAE, CAE, plans to leave the American Counseling Association in June 2022. He has been at the organization for 33 years and served as CEO for 23.
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