
Social Media Roundup: Why You Should Annotate Your Conference Schedule

The benefits of an annotated conference schedule, according to an event guru. Plus: The brain controls automatic behaviors—until you decide otherwise. Here’s how you can kick that old habit.

The overwhelmed, the interested, the confused, the eager—attendees of every type could well appreciate an annotated schedule. Leave them with a general overview, though don’t go overboard. There’s always room for a little surprise.

The details, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup:

Annotated Agenda

Not your grade-school bibliography: First-time conference-goers can feel overwhelmed by the flood of activity and plethora of choices your event offers. Remedy: clear communication, by way of the annotated schedule, writes event expert Adrian Segar. Annotated schedules break down how each part of the day will follow, helping “to clarify and demystify conference process,” Segar writes. It’s a summary-meets-guide—providing an overview of what to expect, while steering attendees to what they want to take part in. But Segar notes that you shouldn’t discount the traditional schedule. Slip it in at the bottom of the agenda to give attendees a straightforward outline to refer to. (ht @teambuildingny)

Behavior Modification

Old habits don’t have to die hard: The brain’s to blame (the basal ganglia, to get specific) for the negative habits we develop—though it’s just as much to praise for the positive ones we harness. As consultant Virgil Carter discovered in an article by psychologist Daniel Goleman, repeated behaviors can become automatic—so to kick a habit, conscious decision-making is required. “Get so you can recognize the routine as it starts, or begins to take over,” Goleman says. Breaking routine works over five steps, from monitoring your actions to incorporating alternative behaviors into your everyday life. In time, the repetition will boot out the old and establish the new—leaving you satisfied and your habits refreshed. (ht @PlexusforAssns)

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Emma Beck

By Emma Beck

Emma Beck is a contributor to Associations Now. MORE

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