Social Media Roundup: Thinking About Tiered Membership
Having only one membership rate doesn’t work for everyone, but switching to levels can be tricky. Also: When your members signed up, you made a promise to them. Remember to keep it.
Most associations have some members who are always asking for more, as well as some who never take full advantage of their benefits. Creating membership tiers might make it easier to provide products to those who really want them—but doing it wrong could backfire.
Advice on switching to tiered membership, and more, in today’s Social Media Roundup.
Motives to Membership
Interesting membership pricing thoughts for associations http://t.co/69H96CFFvt by @MemberWise on @XYZUniversity #AssnChat ASAE
— Amanda Lea Kaiser (@AmandaLeaKaiser) February 12, 2014
There are levels to this: There’s no problem with having membership rates that vary depending on what your members request. However, changing to a tiered system from a one-size-fits-all model could backfire if associations fail to do their research. On the XYZ University blog, MemberWise Network’s Richard Gott explains how to manage tiered memberships, offering tips for switching systems. As most tiered membership structures have three levels—basic, standard, and advanced—switching over could result in many members dropping to the basic package, only having access to networking events, your newsletter, and conference discounts. To prevent that, Gott suggests, make your current membership level the basic level and consider advertising that a higher tier will provide “an enhanced professional status.” Associations should also consider economic factors, as increased pricing could turn members away and drastically hurt your annual income, he writes. The bottom line? Try surveying what your members want before making the big leap. (ht @SmoothThePath)
Keep Your Vows
What are #associations doing with the information they have about members? http://t.co/5uvoUmMdkb #assnprofs #assnchat
— Momentus Technologies (@momentustech) February 12, 2014
Just desserts: Considering the immense and occasionally chaotic workload of association executives, something or someone is bound to be overlooked. Ungerboeck Blog contributor Rob Hamlin reminds leaders to uphold and deliver on the promises that got members to sign up. Among his tips: Keep members engaged by tailoring your content, meetings, and conferences to satisfy their personal and professional interests. “Enhancing the member experience does not mean saying more; it means listening better,” Hamlin said. “If you’re tracking member information and interactions, and then acting on this information, you will increase the member engagement and satisfaction.”(ht @ungerboeck)
How do you keep members interested, anyway? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.