Conference Circuit: Financial Gains
The European Finance Association’s 42nd Annual Meeting begins in Austria next week.
The European Finance Association’s 42nd Annual Meeting begins in Austria next week.
More than 700 economists from universities around the world are headed to Vienna to hear about the latest financial research.
Association: European Finance Association
Conference: 42nd Annual Meeting
Venue: WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Location: Vienna, Austria
The European Finance Association’s 42nd Annual Meeting begins next Wednesday, and Kenneth J. Singleton, a professor from Stanford University and editor of the Journal of Finance, will keynote the conference. Three other items on the agenda:
Newbies welcome. EFA’s one-day Doctoral Tutorial is the place to find younger researchers in the field. Both students and faculty will discuss eight preselected student papers. One paper will be named the best, and that student will then present his or her work at the Chicago Quantitative Alliance Fall Conference.
Coverage of current events. The Greek financial crisis is a hot topic at this year’s meeting. The panel session “Europe’s Crisis: Monetary Policy, Financial Markets, or Real Investment?” will bring together a group of international experts to discuss the situation’s short- and long-term implications.
A taste of Vienna. Attendees will have a chance to absorb some famed Viennese culture during the meeting’s evening events. The world-famous Vienna Boys’ Choir will perform a concert organized exclusively for EFA 2015. Following the concert, a reception will take place at the Schweizerhaus, one of the most well-known beer gardens in the city.
Check out Twitter (#EFAVienna) and Facebook to stay in-the-know on the latest conference happenings.
(Martin Vorel/Stocksnap)