Daily Buzz: How Associations Fueled 100 Years of Progress
Kicking off its centennial celebration, ASAE is sharing associations’ greatest moments from the past 100 years. Also: why you should consider adopting a member messaging system.
Come January, ASAE will be celebrating more than a new year: 2020 is also its 100th anniversary.
To kick off a year of centennial celebration, the ASAE team created an interactive timeline highlighting the impact associations have made on society over the past 100 years—from the passage of the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote, in 1920 to the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision guaranteeing marriage equality. And at its major conferences over the next year, starting at the Technology Exploration Conference next month, you’ll find an interactive exhibit commemorating more ways the association community has made its mark on the wider world.
Of course, associations have a storied history, and it’s impossible to capture the past 100 years in a single timeline. That’s why ASAE is inviting association professionals to share how their organization has made an impact. You can email your story to pr@asaecenter.org and, if chosen, it will be shared on the interactive timeline.
“We hope the content inspires awareness and pride in the work of the association community,” ASAE says, “and motivates everyone to improve society through the Power of A as we move into the next 100 years.”
The Case for a Member Messaging System
Given the popularity of messaging in their daily lives, it’s only natural that people want to interact with companies in the same way. https://t.co/oLGKJ5tMNe #customerexperience
— CMSWire.com (@cmswire) November 21, 2019
Does your association have a member messaging system? If not, it might be time to consider one.
“As mobile device usage grows, consumers are increasingly reliant on messaging apps to communicate with friends and families,” writes Patrick Nguyen on CMSWire. “However, many businesses have been slow to embrace messaging and have yet to adapt their customer service systems to take advantage of this new channel.”
While messaging offers greater accessibility and flexibility to members, it comes with benefits to organizations, too. For one, it encourages engagement. “The customer drop-off rate for app messaging (i.e., the rate for non-interactive conversations) is 1 percent or less,” Nguyen says. “In live chat, the rate can be as high as 25 percent.”
Another benefit: the ability for digital transformation, which can lead to greater customer service and member satisfaction.
Other Links of Note
Looking for meeting sponsors? The Attendease blog shares how to develop a sponsorship package.
Memorable branding starts with understanding what your audience cares about and figuring out a way to deliver, says the Buffer blog.
Fight off procrastination with Fast Company’s tips from a time management coach. Or get tips from your fellow association pros from our recent poll.
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