Daily Buzz: What Data You Need From Meeting Attendees
During event registration, ask attendees to provide insight into these four categories. Also: How tardiness affects a meeting.
When it comes to event data, what kind of information should you ask to personalize the attendee experience accordingly?
Dave Lutz writes on Velvet Chainsaw that these four categories are essential to the event registration process:
Job information. What industry do attendees work in, and in what capacity? “A second data point to consider here is the size of the organization,” Lutz says. “Providing several choices for employee count ranges is less probing, but just as helpful, as annual revenue. Company type along with job function are usually the two best fields for customer segmentation.”
Reasons for attending. “Many organizers don’t understand the motivators for attendance as well as they should,” Lutz says. “Consider adding checkboxes where registrants can flag their top two reasons for participating.”
Interests. Many meetings offer sessions on a variety of topics, so consider adding a field that outlines individual attendee interests. That way, session suggestions are relevant and align with guest preferences.
Purchasing influence. If you’re hosting a tradeshow, information on which attendees have purchasing power might be necessary, though, as Lutz says, “explicit behaviors (like favoriting an exhibitor, viewing product listings, or even session attendance) provide better intelligence.”
Late To a Meeting? Your Colleagues Won’t Be Happy
Researchers looked at the impact of being late to meetings @lucidmeetings https://t.co/f39CSJPPJ3
— Inc. (@Inc) November 5, 2019
Waltzing into a meeting late? Your fellow attendees don’t view lateness so lightly. In fact, research shows that being late causes a lot of unhappiness, anger, even violent thoughts, among colleagues.
But sometimes being late is inevitable. So, if you are going to be tardy, try not to be too tardy.
“If you’re late for reasons beyond your control, offer a sincere apology and share that reason with the group so they can all let go of the frustration that’s been building up,” Elise Keith suggests on Inc. “Alternatively, if you’re late for lousy reasons that are all your fault, stick with a heartfelt apology and keep the lame reason for your tardiness to yourself.”
Other Links of Note
Compiling your end-of-year member survey questions? The MemberClicks blog suggests adding these six questions to the list.
Negative feedback can hurt. The HubSpot blog shares how to process negative comments without taking them personally.
The wait is over: Photoshop for iPad is finally here, says The Verge.
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