Daily Buzz: Instagram Boosts Its Moderation Capabilities
Users of the popular social network can more easily delete negative comments and promote positive ones. Also: tough questions to ask and answer during a crisis.
If your association is looking to better manage conversations taking place on its social platforms, you might want to give the latest update from Instagram a “like.”
New tools will make it easier to manage comments on user posts, including the ability to delete multiple comments at once, pin your favorite comments, and limiting who can tag or mention your account.
“We know it can feel overwhelming to manage a rush of negative comments, so we’ve been testing the ability to delete comments in bulk, as well as block or restrict multiple accounts that post negative comments,” the company stated in a blog post. “Early feedback has been encouraging, and we’ve found that it helps people, especially with larger followings, maintain a positive environment on their account.”
While intended to prevent bullying and harassment on Instagram, the new tools—which will appear on the iOS version first—may also be helpful for organizations concerned about brand safety on social media.
What Leaders Need to Ask During a Crisis
These are the hard decisions you have to make as a business leader during a crisis @heidizaks https://t.co/lVfeVDpQXi
— Inc. (@Inc) May 12, 2020
During challenging times, organizational leaders need to answer tough questions. You can’t assume everything will return to the way things were before. “[Y]ou don’t really have the luxury of making decisions based on optimism,” says Heidi Zak on Inc.
Ask yourself, “What is the worst-case scenario?” Then create a plan that addresses how long you would last and what decisions would have to be made to stay afloat.
“In these crazy times, it’s good to be looking at your key metrics on a daily basis. And by having a clear plan in place for a worst-case scenario, you’ll sleep better at night,” Zak says.
Other Links of Note
Job searching during a pandemic comes with unique challenges. The Muse’s Regina Borsellino has suggestions for how to ask for assistance.
If you need to ship packages, you can do it without leaving the house, says CNET’s Katie Conner.
Struggling to retain members? Overcome this challenge by increasing engagement, says Elizabeth Bell on the Higher Logic blog.