Membership Pro Tip: Open Up Membership to Staff at Organizations
In addition to boosting membership rolls, extending membership to employees of organizational members gives employers a chance to provide professional development opportunities to staff in an uncertain job market.
The Healthcare Financial Management Association recently reached an all-time high of 64,000 members, largely because of its Enterprise Solutions option, which allows providers and other healthcare organizations to offer HFMA membership to their staff. The program launched in 2018, and since then 137 organizations have signed on.
How does it work?
HFMA’s membership team puts a lot of effort and value into its individual membership offering, but over the past four years there has been a significant growth in the group’s enterprise membership, which is geared toward HFMA’s large health system and provider members.
“It’s a commitment to our enterprise organizations to align their goals of membership with the organization instead of focusing on the individual,” says Bill Casey, HFMA’s senior vice president of member experience and business development.
Before implementing the program, the team asked the organizations what they were looking for in a membership that reached all their employees. “We listened and developed a program based on what we heard,” Casey says.
Why is it effective?
“For enterprise members, the membership has become a cost-effective new benefit that employees are excited about,” Casey says. And it gives them a way to help their employees build their skills in a shifting work environment. The program has led to an increase of 20,000 members in three years.
What’s the benefit?
“We’re seeing a stronger retention of those members because they’re utilizing all their benefits,” Casey says. His team keeps a close eye on member engagement. If it slips, they reach out to members and remind them about the value they should be taking advantage of with their membership. Casey has visited organizations and held lunch-and-learn sessions to re-engage members.
Overall, he says, “We’re thrilled with the results.”
Do you have a membership pro tip? Please share in the comments or send me an email.
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