Membership Pro Tip: Quick How-To Videos Save the Day
A more convenient way to access a member portal was a good idea. But some members needed help navigating the new feature. Easy visuals—and a little empathy—made all the difference.
The International Association of Fire Chiefs has numerous websites and platforms its members use. To streamline the user experience and put everything under one roof, about a year ago the group implemented single sign-on credentials. Now when members log on to the IAFC membership page, they can move freely throughout the site to sign up for a course, access the online community, and more with that one login.
Sounds like a win-win, right? But, as with anything new, clear communication—both verbal and visual—is essential.
How Does It Work?
Carly Zoerb, IAFC’s digital content coordinator, manages the new platform and supports members who have issues logging into the site. “The most important thing to me is communication to our members,” she said. When IAFC launched the new platform, they notified members through all communication channels and made sure the messaging was clear and concise to show how the single sign-on would benefit them and add value to their membership.
A lot of members welcomed the change, but others, who were not as tech savvy, needed assistance. Staff took turns walking them through the process over the phone. But sometimes words are not enough.
When talking to members who are stuck, Zoerb makes sure she understands exactly what the problem is. Then, she uses a free app, ShareX, to create animated GIF videos to show members how to solve the issue—as if she were in their shoes—and sends them the clip. This works particularly well, especially when sharing a screen is not possible.
Why Is It Effective?
While many members were excited about one login, others got frustrated because they relied on hacks to navigate the site like Google searches to access favorite links or their own saved bookmarks. Helping them to overcome their obstacles and see the benefits of the single login meant they had a much better user experience and could access the site more effectively.
“Overall, it seemed to make members’ lives easier, and that’s our goal,” Zoerb said.
What’s the Benefit?
“You want to offer good customer service because it makes you feel good personally,” Zoerb said. “You want your members to be satisfied. It reflects well on you and your organization.”
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(ginanjar satrio/iStock/Getty Images Plus)