Social Media Roundup: The Best of #Tech12 (Day Two)
Today was the last day of #Tech12, a.k.a. the 2012 ASAE Technology Conference & Expo. The Associations Now staff and many others were there, tweeting away about all the cool stuff they saw and heard—from funky background music to heated opinions on the veracity of Klout to an impromptu video starring our social media journalist, Ernie Smith. Best Tweets from #Tech12 (Day Two) What happens when @ChatterBachs & @ErnieSmithAN get together to chat about the #tech12 conf. You'll have to watch: http://t.co/gbkeKsB5 — Personify (@Personifycorp) December 6, 2012 #tech12 One more final highlight before the conference comes to a close: Backstreet...
Today was the last day of #Tech12, a.k.a. the 2012 ASAE Technology Conference & Expo. The Associations Now staff and many others were there, tweeting away about all the cool stuff they saw and heard—from funky background music to heated opinions on the veracity of Klout to an impromptu video starring our social media journalist, Ernie Smith.
Best Tweets from #Tech12 (Day Two)
What happens when @ChatterBachs & @ErnieSmithAN get together to chat about the #tech12 conf. You'll have to watch: http://t.co/gbkeKsB5
— Personify (@Personifycorp) December 6, 2012
#tech12 One more final highlight before the conference comes to a close: Backstreet Boys song playing in main conf hall. That's right.
— 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜𝚢𝚕𝚔𝚒𝚠 (@BWasylkiw) December 6, 2012
Good point re: Klout, @Tom_NSI. Someone will fill that gap for social media scoring if they don't. It could be useful. #tech12
— Jay S Daughtry M.Ed. (@ChatterBachs) December 6, 2012
Dear @joerominiecki, this is exceptional, "The Coming Flood of Data" http://t.co/5VmnmH6B #welldone
— Brian Solis (@briansolis) December 5, 2012
#Google+ has potential b/c they're trying to be different and they have the resources to make it right. #tech12 LS2 http://t.co/Q1h9NtBy
— Tom McClintock (@Tom_NSI) December 6, 2012
Good point by @nsatax's Claire Berlin on social media growth: "It's a marathon, it's not a quick process." #tech12 SB1
— Ernie Smith (@ErnieSmithAN) December 6, 2012
Meant to add an answer on this: #socmed is Reality RT @KyleeCoffman: Social Media is _____________? #tech12 LS2
— Kim Kishbaugh (@kkish) December 6, 2012
What’s your top takeaway from today’s conference?