Social Media Roundup: The Roots of Online Collaboration
Collaboration online has evolved from baby steps with the 1969 "terminal" to today's social platform boom. Plus: how location factors into our virtual world, according to a new study.
Social platforms have come a long way since AIM was, like, the biggest thing ever.
The web’s gold rush of development has unleashed an infinite scope of possibilities. A HighQ infographic shows how web collaboration came to be—and where the potential lies for your association.
More details in today’s Social Media Roundup:
Ripens with age
[Cool Infographic Friday] The History of Social Collaboration http://t.co/nxm46VIJGd
— Maddie Grant (@maddiegrant) September 13, 2013
The timeline, before Facebook made it cool: It’s hard to believe that the web, as we know it today, is just in its 20s. It’s nonetheless a fast grower, as an infographic by HighQ, “The History of Social Collaboration”, shows. The web went live in 1991, when George H. W. Bush was president, pagers were trending, and Vanilla Ice was rocking the charts. But the internet’s boom goes back even further—to the 1969 introduction of the terminal, the first device of its kind to communicate across data networks. From discussion platforms (1979) to email (1995) to peer-to-peer sharing (remember Napster?) to Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, these technologies have unleashed extraordinary capabilities for web collaboration. HighQ pegs the potential annual value of savvy social platform use at $1.3 trillion. Are you in the loop? A vast realm of digital opportunities awaits your association. (ht @maddiegrant)
Checking in
Coordinates, please: Location has gone off the grid from the paper map that once was. With a GPS in everyone’s pocket, locations are influencing marketing and recruitment strategies geared to a new generation of interactive customers. Roughly three out of four adults get directions via smartphone, according to a Pew Research Center Internet Project report. Social media users who link physical location to social networks have doubled—up from 14 percent in 2011 to 30 percent in 2013. Perhaps the most surprising statistic: Only 12 percent of smartphone users “check in” online—a drop from 18 percent last year. (ht @eduiconf)
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