Social Media Roundup: Change Your Perspective on Facebook
Facebook is always changing, but for associations, that may not be a good thing. Plus: An opportunity to learn some ins and outs of great content.
Is Facebook becoming pay-to-play for associations looking to reach out to members and nonmembers alike? Two industry experts offer their insights in today’s Social Media Roundup.
Time to Change Your thinking on Facebook?
For Brands, Facebook Is Now a #Content #Publisher — Not a Community #nonprofits #associations #assnchat http://t.co/1PeU4wesjQ
— Kim Howard, CAE (@kimhowardsc) April 17, 2014
Most associations are posting on Facebook in an effort to spread their message, whether it be a new blog post, some event news, or a particularly fabulous cat GIF on a slow Friday.
But despite their best efforts, many groups find that fewer and fewer people are even getting the chance to see those bits of content as the organic reach for pages dwindles. Whatever the reason for Facebook’s changes, the fact remains: Posts are reaching fewer people.
Robert Rose, chief strategist at the Content Marketing Institute, sees this as a reason to rethink the way we conceptualize Facebook.
“Facebook will be a fully developed, ad-driven content publisher, with customers who have sunk so much money into building their leased platform that they have no choice but to pay the landlord,” Rose predicts.
Rose sits down with Jay Baer over at Convince & Convert to consider the implications of Facebook’s changes, a must-read for any association taking its future on Facebook seriously. (ht @kimhowarddc)
Strapped for Content?
Check out the new "content track" for @AssnMediaPub #amp14 conference. Great stuff: http://t.co/QLi91NQVN1 #assnchat
— Melanie Padgett Powers (@MelEdits) April 11, 2014
If your well of content ideas has dried up, or if you’re looking to bolster your current production efforts, one particular session during the upcoming Association Media & Publishing Annual Meeting may be just for you.
Helmed by Chris Bondy, administrative chair of the School of Media Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, “Communication in a Modern Era” will cover a broad stretch of best practices and new industry insights.
Have your video production efforts stumbled? Then perhaps one of the following sessions, “Producing Video: Stop Focusing on the Wrong Things,” is a perfect fit.
“Most video work occurs before the camera is turned on: what to produce, how to produce it, and how to share it,” the listing reads. “Unfortunately, most people focus on the wrong things.”
The conference will be held May 19-21 in Tysons Corner, Virginia.
(ht @MelEdits)
(Wavebreakmedia Ltd/ThinkStock)