Thursday Buzz: Manage IT Yourself
What to do if your small-staff association needs tech help? Don't panic. Plus: Verizon gets a less flashy logo.
Technology is a must for any organization to utilize today, and it’s important to keep up with all the technology, tools, and services out there.
However, small-staff associations don’t always have information technology (IT) departments, because they’re expensive. Tech spending has shot up in recent years, but not every association can invest.
“One solution would be to hire a dedicated IT staff person, but, let’s be honest, our budgets do not always allow for this,” Rebecca Harris, executive director of the Ontario Association of Residences Treating Youth, wrote on the Canadian Society of Association Executives Trillium Chapter’s Forum.
What if a computer crashes or if the printer has a glitch? What if the internet connection went down? There’s always a way to look and configure things, Harris said.
She details many ways to possibly repair any problems your association may come across. Her key point is: “Don’t panic!”
Verizon’s Simple New Logo
A new Verizon logo? http://t.co/EGeW6gAKn6 #logodesign #branding pic.twitter.com/Pg0bYAZUGM
— Ian Paget | Logo Geek (@logogeek) September 3, 2015
It’s a big week for new logos. First Google released a new look for its search engine and various tools and now the telecommunications firm Verizon has a new logo that minimizes its iconic red check.
“We wanted to stay true to who we are and kind of connect our present to our future,” Verizon’s Kim Ancin explained to Adweek. “It more of an evolution and a refresh than a completely new logo.”
What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Additional Links for Your Day
Want to make meetings more successful? Metal Treating Institute CEO Tom Morrison says timelines and checklists don’t work anymore. Instead, he suggests a planning process that works better.
“Associations should not pursue good ideas,” David M. Patt writes at Association Executive Management’s blog. “They should pursue the best ideas.” Use your mission and core strengths to guide you, he says.
Need help being productive? Google has your back. A bunch of updates were released to enhance its productivity offerings, including voice dictation. Check out what they’ve rolled out as reported in Computerworld.