Thursday Buzz: Instagram’s New Video App
Instagram just raised the stakes for mobile television with a new app. Also: Don’t blame time for a lack a strategic thinking.
This week, Instagram launched a new video app called IGTV, and it is not just competing with YouTube, but with television.
According to Buffer, the app broadcasts videos that are up to an hour long from popular Instagram-selected content creators. But anyone can upload their videos to the app and start their own “channel.”
Does this mean that nonprofit and for-profit brands need to become video producers? It just might.
“If you have the time, budgets, and skill sets to put together this type of content, then yes, it might be a great play for your business,” says Ash Read.
He goes on to say that “success on IGTV will be more akin to creating and growing a YouTube channel than an Instagram profile, and we’ll see plenty of experimentation from brands and creators alike to see what works on this new platform.”
Make Space to Think
If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don’t We Make Time for It? https://t.co/cVryzOZCAp
— Harvard Business Review (@HarvardBiz) June 21, 2018
As a leader, you need to take steps back from your day-to-day activities to think strategically. But all too many leaders say they don’t have enough time to do that. What if it’s not time you need, but something else?
“You don’t need time to have a good idea, you need space. … It takes zero time to have an innovative idea or to make a decision, but if you don’t have psychic space, those things are not necessarily impossible, but they’re suboptimal,” productivity expert David Allen told Dorie Clark for her 2015 book, Stand Out. Clark recalled that advice in a recent Harvard Business Review post.
Clark says that simply writing down all of your tasks and prioritizing them can help “clear the decks” for strategic thinking by reducing the fear that you’ll forget something on your immediate to-do list.
Other Links of Note
Filing travel expenses can be a pain. Lyft is striving to make it easier.
Looking for the board member of your dreams? Forbes tells how to nab him or her.
Make the most of your event website. Expo Logic shares tips for increasing site conversion rates.
Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom, shown announcing IGTV. (Handout photo)